Exp. No.

M1809 — Closed

Title of Experiment

μSR study of the mixed valence B-Site pyrochlore magnet Tb2ScNbO7

Spokesperson(s) for Group

Current Members of Group

Name Institution Status % of research time devoted to experiment
J. Beare McMaster University Student (PhD)
G.M. Luke McMaster University Professor
Connor Buhariwalla McMaster University Student (PhD)
Y. Cai McMaster University Student (PhD)
Z. Guguchia Columbia University Research Scientist
Y.J. Uemura Columbia University Professor
M.N. Wilson McMaster University Student (PhD)
Z. Gong Columbia University Student (PhD)


The A2B2O7 pyrochlore structure provides an excellent framework to probe frustrated magnetic states due to its network of corner sharing tetrahedra. The A=Tb family of pyrochlores has garnered particular interest because of the comparable energy scale of crystal electric field excitations and strength of interaction between Tb3+ moments. muSR will be used to probe for magnetic ordering in this system.