Exp. No.

M1597 — Closed

Title of Experiment

Exploring the frustrated magnetism of the new pyrochlore NaCaNi2F7

Spokesperson(s) for Group

Safety Coordinator(s) for Group

Current Members of Group

Name Institution Status % of research time devoted to experiment
B. Frandsen Columbia University Student (PhD)
G.M. Luke McMaster University Professor
Y.J. Uemura Columbia University Professor
Y. Cai McMaster University Student (PhD)
S.C. Cheung Columbia University Student (PhD)
A.M. Hallas McMaster University Student (PhD)
L. Liu Columbia University Student (PhD)
T. Munsie McMaster University Student (PhD)
M.N. Wilson McMaster University Student (PhD)


The rich variety of novel phenomena emerging from geometrically frustrated magnetism continues to fascinate and surprise physicists. We propose to study a brand new class of frustrated magnets based on fluoride chemistry, complementing previous research that has focused on frustrated materials with oxide chemistry. We anticipate these new materials will shed additional light on the topic of frustrated magnetism.