Exp. No.

M1570 — Closed

Title of Experiment

μSR studies of copper-doped superconductor NaFe1-xCuxAs

Spokesperson(s) for Group

Current Members of Group

Name Institution Status % of research time devoted to experiment
S.C. Cheung Columbia University Student (PhD) 20%
G.M. Luke McMaster University Professor 20%
Y.J. Uemura Columbia University Professor 20%
Y. Cai McMaster University Student (PhD) 10%
B.J. Chen Beijing Institute of Physics Student (PhD) 10%
B. Frandsen Columbia University Student (PhD) 10%
A.M. Hallas McMaster University Student (PhD) 10%
C.Q. Jin Beijing Institute of Physics Professor 10%
L. Liu Columbia University Student (PhD) 10%
T. Munsie McMaster University Student (PhD) 10%
Yayu Wang Tsinghua University Professor 10%
M.N. Wilson McMaster University Student (PhD) 10%


Iron-based high-temperature superconductors have garnered tremendous interest in fundamental science and applied research. Their fascinating properties are inherently tied to the interaction between superconductivity and magnetism in these materials. We propose to perform MuSR measurements on the copper-doped superconductor Na(Fe,Cu)As to examine the intimate relationship between magnetism and superconductivity in this novel material.